Two poems
One point of light
may sculpt a delicate metropolis
on pebble’s edge
Dusk river banks
the mosquito place
I sit
Let them come
Let them pierce
Let them feed
My blood, my self
my offering
Buzzing now everywhere
One point of light
The endless cycle of idea and action,
I feel like introductions are in order, although I think I’m probably introducing myself to no one, or to people who we’ve told to come here and so already know me and us.
mississippi river bottom brown.
there is a native american story about two wolves who constantly wage battle inside each of us. one embodies love and kindness, compassion and generosity. the other manifests hatred and jealosy, anger and fear.
i could pretend i feel good all the time, and then youll feel bad because you dont. but i am not enlightened, i am only on a path, this one path, this particular ecclectic meandering path that is my own. and everything is on this path with me, the ecstatic states, the deep empty sorrow, the connected bhava, the lonely void. nothing is excluded, all things are divine love. thats all there is, one love, many mainifestations. we just dont always know enough to understand the how and why. how is war and rape divine love? cant explain exactly, i dont know. but i think they are reactions to some kind of imbalance, the energy of all life as a whole trying to restore itself to a state of equilibrium. and there is dark, and there is light. and they exisit together. judging does no good, it blocks us from seeing what truly is. not what we desire, not what we fear. and acting accordingly.
i lay by the river on the rock, the hump of its uneven surface rounding perfectly into the back of my anahata heart chakra, the place behind the sternum, where the shoulderblades meet, spreading them apart and tearing my chest open to the infinite autumn sky. the scintillating light on the leaves, the sensuous wind on my skin. the roaring everpresent aum of the river. without notice, a single leaf suddenly detaches from its swaying branch and descends, freefalling gracefully, held by the translucent wind whose embrace i cannot see. it is impossible to predict its path, all i can do is watch, riveted, fascinated to witness its path as it falls floating on invisible currents to the water. where it tosses fluidly, swirling slowly through underwater pirouettes, cascading to who knows where. eventually to rot somewhere, and become another tree, perhaps, in time. and then another. and then another. such faith. just letting go and freefalling, each in their own time.